Canadian Inventor Develops Green Gas Machine to Power Farm and Vehicle

Canadian Inventor Develops Green Gas Machine to Power Farm and Vehicle

  29 Jan 2019

Roger Gordon owns and operates a farm in Canada. Both his truck and farm equipment run on NH3 by way of a “green gas machine” he developed. His invention has the potential to change the world by breaking our dependence on foreign energy and by providing a green alternative to traditional fuel.

Anhydrous Ammonia, or “NH3,” is basically ammonia without water. It is a natural substance once used to power farm equipment and vehicles. In fact, the inventor of the diesel engine experimented with NH3 and considered it a viable fuel.

The Canadian inventor began looking for a cheap way to produce ammonia, which is a key component in the production of pharmaceuticals. He created a device in 2009 that could produce ammonia in small amounts. Gordon patented the invention and set to work improving it with the help of a team of engineers.

The final product was finished in 2012. The size of a mini fridge, the green gas machine is capable of producing 500 liters of NH3 per day, with each liter costing about 50 cents. The green gas machine can operate using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The heat it produces can even be used to warm a house.

Let’s zoom out and consider how Gordon’s green machine could help the world:
• Converts consumers into producers
• A clean energy source for developing nations
• A reliable energy source for the off-grid lifestyle
• Benefits the environment by way of reducing our use of fossil fuels

Many worry that a shift to renewable energy will require too much infrastructure change. Not so with NH3. Traditional gas stations could easily be converted, along with vehicles, trains, and even aircraft. Not only is NH3 safer than gas, it costs less to produce.

IPN (International Preparedness Network) Executive Director Aton Edwards is currently helping Gordon get the word out to the prepper community as well as the general public. They hope to attract a wealthy industrialist or company with the resources able to prepare the green machine for mass production.

Edwards and Gordon argue that NH3 is the best alternative we have to fossil fuels. The substance is carbon free and produces only water vapor and nitrogen as by-products. “My invention can decentralize fuel production and place it in the hands of the people to help them become independent from the fuel companies,” says Gordon. “If enough people had it, it would help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That would impact against climate change. Given what is already happening on our planet, can we afford to keep this invention away from the public?”