Bill Gates and Population Control

  02 Jun 2020

There has been a lot put out there lately about Bill Gates being “behind” the COVID-19 outbreak — at the very least for massive profits, and at the worst, as a means of “population control.”

On the surface, this may sound like another in a long-list of coronavirus conspiracy theories that have spread almost as rapidly as the disease itself. However, there is a compelling series of dots to connect here.

Consider this. Merely weeks before the first cases of COVID-19 were announced out of Wuhan, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, held a high-level pandemic exercise called “Event 201” that seems to have been a predictive blueprint for exactly the road we are now on with the coronavirus outbreak.

On October 18, 2019, representatives from each of the aforementioned groups descended on New York City to discuss how they would respond to “a severe pandemic” much like the one we are now dealing with.

Conspiracy theories aside, the timing of Event 201 has to be considered suspicious in light of what we know now about the coronavirus.  The waters become even more muddied when you know that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, funded Pirbright Institute, which owns a patent on coronavirus for vaccine creation purposes.

As crazy as it might sound, it is not beyond the realm of possibilities that Gates created and endorsed the release of COVID-19 so that he could profit from an exclusive vaccine for it.

Yet, there are others who think Gate’s could be behind the pandemic for even more nefarious purposes. They suggest that Gate’s interest in COVID-19 is also about depopulating the planet as part of Bill Gates’ admitted efforts to use vaccination and “health care” as a means of reducing the world’s population by 10 to 15 percent.

In his defense, Gates has been warning about the lack of preparation and systems in place to deal with infectious disease threats that could lead to a pandemic, for decades, and not only in the weeks before COVID-19 hit.

Furthermore, it is true that Gates has contributed substantially to the development and delivery of vaccines around the world. But, these vaccines continue to prevent potential life-threatening diseases such as measles and polio, which would be the opposite of “population reduction.”

So, for every person that thinks that somehow Bill Gates is the demon behind the curtain pulling the strings on the coronavirus outbreak and response, there are just as many people saying that blaming him for COVID-19, is like blaming your cardiologist who warned you about heart disease after you have a heart attack.

But, what do you think? Is Gates a hero or a villain?


26 thoughts on “Bill Gates and Population Control


  2. Villian…. … children in Africa and India are paralyzed and dying from his vaccinations

  3. I do not discount the statements contained here, and it does raise some suspensions. However, I would not make an accusations based on this alone

  4. Bill and Melinda Gates have been working on Agenda 21 with the United Nations. It is absolutely a population control project. Not only that, but it controls every aspect of our live, and sets up the New World Order Pres. George H. W. Bush mentioned during his time in office that he was so proud off!!!

  5. there is not enough evidence either way for me to form a real opinion but i would not put anything past gates. personally i do not think very highly of him

  6. Understood. But definitely his involvement is certain on different levels. So is
    Dr Fauci

  7. There have been speculations of Gate’s intentions for some time now.. Someone with means of this level could have been setting the stage by helping the human race. Wow, big responsibility for one organization. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Side Note: by positing this, I would not be surprised if my digital life will be looked into. 🙂

  8. Almost three dozen years ago I recognized Gates as potentiently the most dangerous man on the planet. I rest my case!

  9. These days it’s impossible to know who is telling the truth…or even if the TRUTH is even out there! Right blames the Left & vice versa! I only know that EVIL is stalking the planet. Who is behind it? The warning signs have been there for all to see, but NO ONE paid heed. So now the species is reaping the whirlwind! Much of what has been said here is only hear-say. Opinions presented as FACT. We were given rules to live by, but few abide them. Frankly I see the problem as laziness of thought by us all. We’ve let power hungry people control us & our thinking! This great nation was founded on some beautiful ideals. But we’ve allowed those ideals to be corrupted by our leaders. Political office was/is supposed to be a TEMP JOB! Not a career! Lobbyists & special interests should never have been allowed into our government! It’s LONG past time that we voters & consumers take back our power! If you harm someone, you get punished. If you lie, you get punished. If you steal or destroy someone else’s property, you get punished! This is nothing new. These rules have been around for thousands of years. The past cannot be changed. It is what it is. And I am not responsible for something that happened 200 years ago! I do not accept blame for the past! But we all are responsible for the future! We are creating it RIGHT NOW! We can’t know the circumstances of our fellow humans. We can’t walk in their shoes. But we can be compassionate with them & offer help when & where we can. The only thing I KNOW is that I will do the best I can to be the best version of me. This world is not fair! But I have no right to make it worse! Peace be with us all. Thanks for listening.

  10. Yes Gates is guilty. Go check out his twitter feed and see the death threats others are putting on him. Trump found out about him doing this & is after him. Also, no way Trump makes vaccines mandatory! He hates vaccines due to his son Barron having autism due to vaccines! No way! That’s fake news!!

  11. Since the beginning, I never had Bill Gates as a Genius. He was a lucky guy in the right place at the right time when at IBM meeting he chose software over hardware. A choice that it is not difficult to guess millions of advanced students could have made. Software is much cheaper to make, while hardware presents many challenges and a shorter life-span. Then is when IBM, lost the battle over Gates. At the same time, in contrast, we had the real genius of Steve Jobs, and his partner Stephen Gary Wozniak, which indeed developed a different and better computing system.
    So, that is the reason I believe Bill’s mind is a little small to develop such a gigantic project to manipulate the World population in that degree. Gates might have developed certain skills along the way, but what this article is proposing, I don’t think it fits the reality, and even if it looks paramount, the idea sounds too fantastic more suitable to a Horror story than practicable.

  12. Don’t be fooled the crowd that bill leads has a written goal of reducing the world population to about 3 billion.
    Will your family survive the coming purge? c

  13. There is no way I will take a vaccine that hasn’t even been approved yet! Especially if Bill Gates is behind it! Who is he to say that everyone should be vaccinated? When did he become a doctor?

  14. This is total bull shit. What is wrong with you people???? You are a huge part of the problem during this crisis. Can you spend a little time looking at the real problems in this world instead of look for the boogie man or some ridiculous conspiracy theory? I guess you are feeding this crap so you can get more people to sign up for your site. You are sick to need to do this.

  15. The irony idms that this virus couldnt kill a fly unless it had pre-existing condition

  16. This virus is a hoax as they are finding out the numbers are being jacked up and the media spreading fear with lies. Unless you are over 70-75 the actuel number of people dying is one half percent. This virus along with media propaganda was introduced to crash the economy. Say hello to the New World Order. Notice the follow up with the mob riots and looting. Im sure its just by chance.

  17. Bill Gates is a hero to some, he’s a villain to others. He’s rich, that’s about all that defines him. Just all the other super wealthy individuals of our time. What I don’t think Bill Gates’ motives are is to dominate the world. He could have done that a long time ago. And Planned Parenthood is taking care population reduction. HRC is involved in that task. She’s into the $500 a pill abortions.

  18. The patent number for the coronavirus is United States Patent 20170216427. I can’t imagine any good purpose for having a patent for an illness. If you have patent on an illness then you have evil intentions in mind. Especially when you have a patent on an illness and you purposely turn it loose on the worlds population. That is what the democrats do. They are always up to evil deeds denying any wrong doing and then trying to put themselves up on a pedestal portraying themselves as the hero when they were the root cause of it all in the first place. What they intend to do is have a mandatory vaccine for the coronavirus and put a microchip in the vaccine and yes they have microchips that are smaller than a grain of sand. Once the microchip is injected into everyone’s veins there will be no way to remove it. They will be able to track you any where you are in the world which means there is no escape. They plan to do away with paper money and when you go to pay for food or anything else then you will just swipe your microchip. It is called New World Order and they will have complete control over everyone on earth because if you don’t do exactly what they say then they will just turn off your microchip and then you will no longer be able to buy food pay your bills nothing. You will be a slave and they will have total control. With no chance for escape. The coronavirus is not a pandemic any way. There are much deadlier diseases. Here are the disease death rates per day worldwide. Tuberculosis. 3014. Hepatitis B. 2430. Pneumonia 2216. HIV/AIDS. 2110. Malaria. 2002. Shlgellosis. 1644. Rotavirus. 1233. Seasonal flu. 1027. Norovirus. 548. Whooping cough. 440. Typhoid. 396. Cholera. 392. Meningitis. 329. Measles. 247. Rabies. 162.
    Yellow fever. 82. Covid19/Coronavirus. 56. So you can clearly see that coronavirus is definitely not a pandemic. There are other diseases that are many many times more deadly than coronavirus but they don’t call them pandemics. Which means there is definitely something else at play here. Why would they want to create a fake pandemic unless it was to microchip the entire worlds population and take over the world without firing a shot by playing on everyone’s fears. The Clinton’s ate in on the sex trade because the proof is that Jeffry Epstein was jailed for being in the sex trade and Clinton was the last one to see him under heavy watch by guards and then he wound up hanged in his prison cell. Because she had to silence him because she was in on the sex trade with Epstein and she had to silence him before she was imprisoned her self. Miraculously there was no video footage of this hanging ever released even though there were cameras present that saw what truly happened. Now the democrats are wanting to switch us to a socialist government. Socialism and communism are one in the same. Because NAZI Germany was a socialist country and they tried to take over the world. Killing millions and millions of people. The worst government the world has ever seen. Also the former Soviet Union was a socialist country under Lenin. USSR United Soviet Socialist Republic. Lenin starved his people to death. Again one of the worst governments the world has ever known. Seems like socialism equals evil people trying to take over the world. Because once again that is their goal world domination. The democrats also see big money in the sex trade. This is why they are wanting to bring these people across the Mexican border so they can sell them into the sex trade. They are not American citizens and they have no rights so it is very easy to sell them into the sex trade. Now they see dollar signs in microchipping the worlds population and selling every single individual into the sex trade as I said there is no escape. They can track you any where you go with your microchip and force anyone and everyone to do anything they say by turning off your microchip. It will be the worst slavery the world has ever seen. The mark of the beast.

  19. This isnt the first I heard this and now hearing it again, I absolutely can believe it that he is a villain or maybe even worse ,him and the Democrats together. Its sad that just one person can have so much power.Someone is paying others off to go along with him. He has the money to do so.

  20. Simple solution for each individual.
    Refuse vaccine. It seems so unlikely that a human being would think in this manner. Someone so arrogant to believe they hold the key to all of the planets problems and that mass amounts of people are disposable in order to further some political agenda. Normal every day people don’t think this way so it’s very difficult for the average person to believe there are some that do. We would like to believe that all people are like us and would never do such nefarious acts. Unfortunately history shows that the most depraved sickening actions are not that unusual. Day after day we read and hear about some asshat killing over absolutely nothing. Parents killing children and vise versa. Neighbors killing neighbors. Murder for any and every conceivable reason. We know about entire nations of people supporting serial killers like Hitler Pol Pot Stalin Mao etc. The list is endless and growing daily. So we know though we would prefer not to that killers abound and that people are more than a little sick in the head. Knowing this fact doesn’t seem to slow us down when it comes to allowing and supporting individuals to obtain power over us. Just doesn’t make any sense yet here we are. We don’t have to know for a fact that Gates is somehow trying to implement such an evil plan. All we really need to know is that he’s put himself in a position to do so. That in itself is enough to wake us up and to properly motivate us to resist. Common sense applies. Logical thought tells us to take that power away from Gates and anyone else who attempts to put them in a position to decide whether we live or die. Whether or not covid was intentionally released on the world we will never know. However we do know that not only China but most of the more powerful nations are intentionally manipulation viruses and diseases for the purposes of wiping out entire populations. Where’s the outrage? We stand bye and allow sick and despicable people to continue these practices and worse yet we pay taxes so they can. Gates is only one part of a much larger issue. We as a species have a moral obligation to remove power from those who think on this level. The power lies in logic and sensible thought. I for one will not be getting a vaccine for covid. We all must face our mortality but we can do so on our own terms not on some socially misguided fool with a God complex.

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