Muslims Continue to Threaten Rape Victims and Bully Others

Muslims Continue to Threaten Rape Victims and Bully Others

  22 Feb 2019

Islamic terrorists, like ISIS, have a history of taking females (children, teens and adults) hostage and using them as sex slaves. A fortunate few manage to escape their captivity, while many do not. But what happens to those who escape?

They live in constant fear, as do most rape victims, of being victimized again. They fear leaving their own homes and they fear staying in their own homes. They fear every man who passes by or looks in their direction. They dread every phone call, knock on the door or every strange sound outside or inside.

A former co-worker told me that his wife had been raped several years before he met her. Even though the rapist had been caught, convicted and was sitting in prison, she still lived in fear of almost everything. The rape also had a huge impact on their relationship. It was weeks after the wedding before she allowed him to consummate their marriage and even that was difficult for her. In fact, he told me that he loved her so much, but she had extreme fear of almost any intimacy with him. I’ll never forget when he told me that she will be a victim for the rest of her life.

Now, can you imagine any of these rape victims, receiving phone calls or text messages, concerning their rape? Can you imagine the fear and terror any rape victim would have after being threatened about their rape?

According to a recent report, this is exactly what is happening to rape victims and former sex slaves of ISIS terrorists:

“It is hard to imagine the depths of evil that must be in these callers’ hearts in order to enable them to do this. But those who held sex slaves in the Islamic State believed that they were on the side of righteousness, fulfilling Allah’s command to take ‘captives of the right hand’ as ‘spoils of war’ and use them as sex slaves (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30)…”

“Former ISIS sex slaves, who were given sanctuary in Canada, are again living in fear after being bombarded by voicemails and texts threatening rape and murder.”

“Five women and one 14-year-old girl have filed reports with York Regional Police. The victims are all Yazidis who survived an ISIS-led genocide in Iraq in 2014.”

“They have handed over to police recordings of the phone calls and screen grabs of the texts, which reference the Islamic State and include pictures of beheadings and armed Jihadis.”

“W5 has listened to the phone calls. In one, a man laughs as he says in Arabic: ‘I am the man who f****d you. I am your rapist.’ A second caller denounces Yazidis as devil worshippers. And a third caller makes a graphic reference to rape.”

In Germany, school students are bullied at an alarming rate and it is other students who are members of the so-called religion of peace. Check this report out:

“Complaints about the skyrocketing number of incidents of Muslim students bullying* their peers along religious lines have been waged by teachers in the schools of Berlin, Germany, that have the highest-concentration of Islamic migrants.”

One News Now German school official mentioned numerous threats, beginning with trivial issues such as Muslims students warning that Islam forbids pork when bullying non-Muslims for bringing their ham sandwiches to the school cafeteria at lunch.”

“In another case, two siblings, an 11-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl were reportedly beaten up and threatened that they should never try and play outside again after the Muslim children saw them eating gummy bears which contain pork gelatin.”

“Last year, a Jewish teenager was forced to leave a Berlin school following beatings and anti-Semitic abuse from Muslim classmates, Berlin London tweeted last May.

CBN The headmaster of a German school in Frankfurt am Main told the mother of a student she should dress her daughter in a hijab, or Muslim head covering, so that Muslim students would stop bullying the girl. The woman told the German newspaper Bild, ‘My daughter was so massively bullied in her school by Muslim girls that we had to take her out of school for protection’.”

These are only a few of the bullying incidents being reported out of Germany.

Friends of mine in the United Kingdom have told me that areas that have been taken over by Muslims have very high numbers of sex crimes, mostly against women and girls. They report there are some towns in the UK that aren’t safe for any non-Muslim female to even travel through. Many  British have been forced to move away from these areas due to the hostility, intolerance and constant fear.

This seems to be a common theme in many areas around the world, including here in the US, where Muslims congregate in numbers.

Over the past decade, America has seen a growing number of instances of Muslim men, beating and even killing their daughters or wives and then turning to sharia law as their defense. In most of those cases, the wives or daughters were only guilty of shaming the male Muslim pride and ego.

A religion of peace? I’ve had two different former Muslim men work for me. They were both born, raised and educated in Muslim counties in the Middle East. They were taught the Quran from early on and both said that they were taught that the Quran taught that every Muslim is required to either convert or kill every non-Muslim. There was no tolerance or living peacefully with non-Muslims.

As for Islam being a religion of peace, they both called it a religion of hate and blood, which is why they were former Muslims, who lived in fear of Islamic retribution for their leaving the faith.

More importantly, they both said that Muslims are taught to hate America and to do whatever they could to transform America into an Islamic nation or destroy the country. All you have to see to verify that is listen to two of the newest members of Congress, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.