The time is coming for Trump to replace Sarah Sanders

The time is coming for Trump to replace Sarah Sanders

  26 Apr 2019

A number of members of the White House press corps have called for Press Secretary Sarah Sanders to be removed.  Last year, I penned a commentary suggesting that it was then time to replace her. It is now well past the time.

To be perfectly clear, my opinion has nothing to do with the highly politicized reasons given by some of the most disreputable members of the White House scribblers. For them, Sanders is just another person surrounding Trump who should be demonized by the #NeverTrump Resistance Movement within the Fourth Estate.

When it comes to anyone not buying into their pernicious and persistent anti-Trump narrative, the media weapon of choice is character assassination.  That is why their contempt and hatred goes beyond Trump and members of his administration to the more than 100 million Americans who they derogatorily refer to as “Trump’s base.”

While they see evil in the work of Sanders, I do not.   I think she is a very good person doing a very difficult job – made more difficult by many members of a press corps with all the characteristics of a pack of political jackals.

My reason for replacing Sanders is much more compassionate of the person – but unimpressed with the job she has been doing for quite a long time.  I do believe she is doing the best she can, but she is not suited for that role.

It has long been my impression that she is on the defensive too often – and not good even at that.  She does not take command of the podium, but rather pushes back occasionally by engaging in what can only be described as bickering. She has a so’s-your-old-man level of engagement that does not put her above the fray.  In the defensive mode, she is not persuasive – looking more like a fighter on the ropes.

She may respond, but often does not sell her points effectively – and too often walks into traps set by the more antagonistic members of the White House press corps.  She also lacks a sense of humor – even mocking humor.  She has no flair for the put-down that is essential in verbal combat.  It is the old issue of not what you say, but how you phrase it.

She would do well to learn from President Reagan, who could use both humor and anger with devastating effect.  Reagan at the podium was a joy to watch and hear.  Sanders elicits more of a wincing pain.

Oddly, the person who seems to have the best attributes for the role of presidential press secretary is Anthony Scaramucci, who survived in the job as White House Communications Director for a mere 10 days because of in-house political intrigue – not his innate communications ability.  He still appears regularly on various cable news shows – and remains one of the more articulate and effective defenders and representatives of President Trump and administration policies.

The only reason not to replace Sanders immediately is the fact that it would be interpreted as a chest-pounding victory of the members of the Resistance Movement within the press corps.  But it should happen as we get into the headwinds of the 2020 presidential campaign.

So, there ‘tis.

47 thoughts on “The time is coming for Trump to replace Sarah Sanders

  1. In my opinion, YOUR opinion reeks of pseudo-intellectual snobbery and an elevated sense of elitism. You seem to come to your conclusions because Sarah just doesn’t seem to be quite “sophisticated enough” to suit your taste. Personally, I can cross swords with the best wordsmiths, but I would much rather listen to plain talking country folk who tell it like it is than the blustering of city slickers with their diplomatic double speak politically correct blustering. That’s why President Trump’s rallies have such a large audience – they prefer the sometimes ramblings of a blue collar billionaire to the smooth prose of a polished politician.

  2. Wrong! Sarah Sanders SHOULD NOT be removed as WH Press Secretary. She is effective, unafraid, and is willing to go toe-to-toe with the Socialists in the Press Corps, coming out on top most of the time. Your point almost sounds as if you’re one of those Socialists who wants to see her go. Are you a mole for the left?

  3. A short time ago I posted my opinion of the article above. When I submitted it, it was marked “awaiting moderation”. My comment was neither profane nor vulgar – it was simply MY OPINION of the article. If you cannot allow a different opinion of your articles, your website is totally useless. I will be hitting the “unsubscribe” link when I finish this post which I am sure will not be posted.

    1. To the author’s compassionless whining – get YOURSELF another job, thanks. NO ONE cares that you have been whining for a year. And where is YOUR flair?!! Go command your own little world. By the way, her Dad has his own TV show, ever think of THAT? Do you understand even an iota of who she is?

    2. Perhaps she would be more comfortable if she was tricked out like a combat Marine. cuz she has to deal with a slime pit of sluts. But every time I have seen her doing her job she is doing it well and BRAVA to her.
      It would not demean her if she flipped them off and sold that that she had better things to do that to deal with you pukes.

    3. I agree – she handles the ‘press’ very well. They are obnoxious and she has a knack to shut them up…politely!!

  4. Sarah should go and do not replace her. The one with the creep husband should go immediately if not sooner. She has never been very good and now with her carping husband it is even more ridiculous.

  5. The Press people are horrible people, if anything their companies should replace them!! They are disrespectful mean spirited bullies who try to bully Sarah Sanders because she’s a strong Christian woman & won’t take their bullying!! They want someone they can run over & manipulate!

  6. So, the leftists of the press corp want her out? That is a firm indication that she is doing a great job for the Republic of the United States.

  7. I disagree. I think she is the best press secretary we’ve had in a long time. So much better than the yes man toadies of the past president that would have wilted under the attack she endures.

  8. She is perfect to deal with these fake reporters. Love her. She is exactly what Trump and we need.

  9. Amen Hedy. This is one VERY tough broad! She has done one hell of a job. The only thing she needs is to ramp up the acerbic wit against the loud mouthed assholes in the press Corp. How wonderful it must be to a way left leaning Dumb-o-crat in Sandinista land! Where all is milk and honey. Who cares how ya pay for happiness, hell, we’ll make it up as we go along.

  10. “Political Jackals” I like this description as it really and Accurately describes the “Left Wing Fake Media” that constantly throws criticism during press conferences and demanding that the Press Secretary answer their questions saying only what they want to hear and in the narrative that fits the story they want to write. They don’t want the truth unless that truth would hurt this President or this administration.

  11. Sarah Sanders is too smart for the ones that want her gone. She does a great job. LEAVE HER ALONE!!!

  12. You’re so full of it. I love Sarah Sanders and she is the only Press Secretary who tells it like it is! Those ignorant press reporters she faces so often just want to make certain their names and news affiliates are put out there. I really do not comprehend how they got to be a press reporter. They have nothing substantial to ask her and when she calls on them, they ask the same stupied question over and over! Sarah Sanders is loved and appreciated by an overwhelming majority of her audiences and viewers! I don’t know where you got your crappy info from, (might I say from your Radical Leftist Liberal reporters) so maybe you reporters need to go back to school and re-educate yourselves on learning what it is that’s expected of you as a press reporter! Good luck with that.

  13. Sarah is doing a great job. We need to duplicate her over and over again. Way too many yet that just can’t come to grip that “you lost the election” and now you have to deal with someone who tells it like it is. You Go Girl!!!!!!

  14. Haters are gonna hate . I love the way Sarah performs her duties as press secretary.

  15. Ms. Sanders shoots close from the vest verbally and handles herself well against the vicious FAKE news vultures out to destroy Our Family America and the Traditional Values that WE THE PEOPLE so Treasure in the procreation that sets the world standard for a healthy Nation! Quote me!

  16. This sounds like a liberal site Sanders is great Why print that– I have to be removed from your liberal site

  17. Are you for real? Shame on you becoming part of the Leftists trying to take down anyone who is effective in exposing them for what they are. And why should we care about your damning opinion? Just who are you? Oh, another lost soul.

  18. What a bunch of crap! Sarah Sanders does a great job at the podium (best I have seen lately).

  19. So She needs coaching to lock her open cuts away & hit 10 times harder than the Lies from ABC CBS NBC MS~NBC & CNN … She has an Armor on but needs to deflect faster than she has. She needs to hit them with there own lies HARD & now on the record she needs to learn to turn back on the liers with the lies they have generated & when she does the Yellow PROVIDA MEDIA will cower back & lick the wounds & come back where she has to hit them harder & faster no one in the boxing ring is in the pounce they are doing now they are 3 to 5 moves ahead of that one. HIT the woossies hard & fast …

  20. Where is the name of the person who wrote this article?
    I have to say the reason the Press Corps wants to remove Sanders is because she is too
    smart for them and try as they may to unsettle her, her comebacks let them fuming.
    Almost all of the Press Corps is anti Trump so why remove a person who handles them
    with ease. The answer to the writer is as Hedy said, “Leave her alone, she is doing a great Job”.

  21. I partly agree with the writer, Sanders Is not forceful or intimidating enough for the role. Although I really like her, but it’s so painful to watch her defending all the time, she needs to be more offensive when the occassion calls for.

  22. Her attributes appear to suit the Republican public just fine. She leaves egg on the face of all who simply try to embarrass because they dislike her boss. I’d say a majority view your critique as totally wrong!!

  23. I like her. I think the press…one in particular…looks like an ass and should not be allowed in the room!!

  24. Why is backbiting and insulting so important?
    Why is honesty and integrity not sufficient?
    It may not be what we are used to in a presse secretary but I, for one, find this most unusual attribute most refreshing.

    Blessed be

    Karma Singh

  25. We want to see her get pissed off and push back and tell you idiot what the truth is you get angry when somebody shows you the truth and stick your head in the sand and and Deny the truth her aloneAnd try to destroy America the old way by trying to to overthrow the president while people are in jail for what’s been going on the last two years I don’t know but we love Sarah Huckabee sanders And we are glad she’s helping the president. If this is the site trying to get donations for the Republicans are the Democrats don’t bother emailing me you’re also untruthful you can’t trust anybody has run some by down or trying to fill them up how we all love share or you stay b if this is the site trying to get donations for the Republicans are the Democrats don’t bother emailing me you’re also untruthful you can’t trust anybody that’s renting somebody down or trying to fill them up how we all love Sarah and she’s doing a good job BUT She’s got to go and so does trump have to go cause she’s trying to make America great again Do you see my email will not be published hell no but you’ll send me 5000 emails bother me all the time stop doing it if you want to come at you just had to ask for what you want my email address and everybody else’s to

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