How to Protect Yourself From Black Magic and Psychic Attack

  21 May 2019

My regular readers know that I have written many pieces on how to defend yourself from just about any physical threat there is, from hurricanes to home invasions.

But there is another world out there, one that also can pose a serious danger to you and your family, and today, I am going to tell you how to protect yourselves from curses, black magic, and psychic attacks.

Basically, a “psychic attack” is the sending of negative energies with the conscious intention to inflict harm upon a person or their family. Such harm can include the emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state of a person. These negative energies are typically projected in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and other emotions.

The Greater Your Belief in the Paranormal, the More Likely You Are to Be Targeted

Unfortunately, when it comes to psychic attacks, the greater your belief in magic, the occult, or the so-called “paranormal,” the more likely you are to become the target of a supernatural attack.

If you accept and embrace the reality of the world of the spiritual and magic, it is important that one understands all of the ramifications of such acceptance. Part and parcel to all doctrines of spirituality and the metaphysical is the exchange, interaction and manipulation of spiritual or psychic fields of energy. This is often referred to as an Aura. Auras cannot be seen by most, but they are there. The more sensitive you yourself become, the more charged your own aura becomes. This means two things you will become more adept at seeing the auras of others, and your own aura will also become more apparent to others, and unfortunately more prone to psychic attack.

Whether you are a believer in the paranormal or not you possess an “aura.” Auras are real, and they have been photographed many times. Your aura is an outward reflection of your “psychic energy.”

Unknown to yourself, your aura or psychic energy is always under assault by spirits, demons, and other kinds of “psychic vampires,” who wish to make its energies their own. I am sure you have had the experience of being in the presence of somebody, and just feeling “drained” after the interaction. You have likely just fallen prey to a psychic vampire!

You Can Protect Yourself From Black Magic

But you can protect your aura from black magic and psychic attack. Auras are energy flows. Their fields will naturally interact just as the energies of two magnets will interact as they are placed near enough to one another. However, unlike magnets, you can set boundaries, and choose who or what other energies your aura mingles with.

Psychic attack can be as brutal or deliberate as a black magic curse or spell placed upon you, or as subtle as living with or working next to a psychic vampire who is slowly draining and invading your energy field. Sometimes, as in the case of a spouse, a person can be a psychic vampire, with no ill will, draining another’s energy, and not even be aware that they are doing so.  But all psychic attacks can be stunted by building your own Psychic Shield or White Light Shield.

It is recommended that no one dabble in the Arcane Arts or delve into the paranormal without setting up some kind of psychic protection. This basically involves strengthening the energy of your aura into an impenetrable “force field.”

Build Your Psychic Shield

As in all things metaphysical or spiritual, visualization is your strongest weapon. The easiest way to create a White Light Shield is the “eggshell” technique. Close your eyes, relax and visualize your aura around you. It is likely ragged and unstable at this point. Now in your mind’s eye, smooth and strengthen that field into the shape of an eggshell around you. Go along the outer edge of the shell and strengthen or repair any rips you will find there. The rips and holes are the sights of psychic attacks. Once a smooth clean shell surrounds you, now begin to strengthen that shell. Lay on layers until it is hard as stone. Then finally envision you are spraying a final coat of Teflon sealer upon the shell.

This will offer you great protection from further psychic attacks. Some psychics recommend that you envision a mirror-like or reflective surface upon your eggshell that will not only protect from, but reflect back, any psychic attacks to their senders. Others caution against this technique, and warn against the Karmic implication of sending an attack back at your attacker, and say it is better to just deflect them.

Do this every day. It is as much a part of your normal “spiritual hygiene” to protect you from psychic attack, as brushing your teeth is part of your physical hygiene to protect you from gum disease.

Moving away from the purely “psychic” techniques of protection, there are specific magic spells, charms, amulets, talismans, and incantations designed to protect you from black magic and psychic attack.

Regardless of the religion or spiritual doctrine, light is always used for protection from “dark forces.” This may involve calling upon Shakti or “spiritual energies,” to the invoking of protective entities such as angels, saints, totemic spirits, or even deceased loved ones.

Protective magic may involve the use of crystals, bezoar stones, other charms, amulets, roots herbs, or spiritual artifacts to help gather in and amplify spiritual light and energy. Another form of light people also often call upon is the protective flames of Gabriel, Michael, or the other Archangels or Seraphs.

Negativity surrounds all of us and it is draining. Whether you believe in the metaphysical, or think this is “all in your head,” these charms and rituals all serve the same ultimate purpose, to focus on the light and goodness, and provide protection from negative and draining energies.