Trump’s foreign policy is good for America

  16 May 2019

Never in American history has there been such a concerted effort to destroy a presidency as that mounted against President Trump by what is amorphously labeled the #NeverTrump Resistance Movement. That is a historical fact. It started as a dislike of his personality and campaign style, but it was his election that drove the Democrats and the greater political left into a tantrum that has grown worse over time.

In the best American tradition, the losing party licks its wounds, but assumes the role of loyal opposition – with emphasis on the word “loyal.” While the competition over political philosophy and proposals continues, the battle is tempered with good-faith negotiations and, where possible, bipartisan cooperation. There is also a sense of solidarity behind some basic principles inherent in our unique form of American governance. There is a reason that with only one exception – the Civil War – the United States has had a long and noble history of peaceful exchanges of power – even at the highest levels.

That all ended with the evolution of the Resistance Movement. Within days of Trump’s election, the folks on the political left – aided and abetted by a journalistically corrupt left-wing media – declared their determination to prevent Trump from assuming the presidency and, failing that, to obstruct any of Trump administration policies and proposals. Nothing about Trump or his policies were to be viewed or analyzed in a positive light.

What is remarkable about the response from the left is just how willing they were to damage America to get at Trump. For most of America’s history, it was said that partisanship ended at the water’s edge. There was a sense of purpose and unity in our foreign relations. Even when a bit dubious, it was believed to be better to back the Commander-in-Chief than to serve the interests of our foreign adversaries by undermining the policy. Not so with the member of the Resistance. Their consistently negative assessment of Trump’s foreign policy has been to the benefit of America’s international adversaries. They most often sing from the same song sheet. Every achievement – and there are many – has been twisted into mendacious criticism.

They lambast Trump for meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, even though the two summits – still a work in progress – have brought about serious negotiations and some relief of tensions. That is something the left and the so-called establishment have failed to do for decades. Trump has received high praise for his North Korea efforts from the two most important allies in the region – South Korea and Japan. Of course, you would not know that if you only follow the Resistance Movement media.

Trump’s critics pounced on what they claim was his inept attack on NATO. They refuse to recognize that NATO is stronger today because of Trump policies – but he also managed to get our allies to kick in more money for the defense of Europe. That is also something that has been talked about for years – but never accomplished.

In the Middle East, the folks of the Resistance Movement mocked Trump for participating in the traditional “sword dance” in Saudi Arabia – refusing to recognize and report on his huge diplomatic success. He forged an informal alliance between Israeli and Saudi Arabia in the fight against Islamic terrorism and its premier sponsor, Iran. The heads-of-state of more than 50 Muslim-majority nations participated in the Trump meeting in Riyadh.

While Trump is not one to insult adversarial heads-of-state, it is hard to argue against the fact that the President has been tough on Russia. His administration has imposed more sanctions on Russia than any previous President … period. He is certainly not acquiescing to Vladimir Putin’s meddling in the Middle East. Trump is taking on Russia’s number one ally – Iran. He not only terminated the deal that Putin loved, but is now flexing America’s military might in response to intelligence reports of Tehran’s plan to attack American interests surreptitiously.

It is noteworthy that Russia has not advanced further in Ukraine – as they seemed poised to do after taking the Crimea without a meaningful response from President Obama. Trump sent the Ukrainians military equipment, which Obama would not. While they can continue to haggle over the future of the Crimea, Trump made it very clear to Putin that the United States would not tolerate any further incursion into Ukraine.

At best, Obama was premature in giving recognition to the Communist government in Cuba. Much like the Iran deal, the United States gained very little – next to nothing. The people of Iran and Cuba gained nothing and may have even lost ground against their despotic leaders. But the brutal regimes gained credibility, influence and power. Trump was right to pull back – especially after our diplomats suffered permanent hearing loss from a sonic attack.

There is hardly a place in the world that the United States has not benefited from the Trump administration’s rejection of the longstanding failed policies of the so-called political establishment. For the first time in many decades, America is exerting its power and influence to regain its place as a world leader. It has been the respected role of the United States since the end of the Cold War – and arguably since the end of World War I. Unfortunately, the more liberal policies of recent years – such as the ridiculous concept of “leading from behind” –that has put

America at a disadvantage in the world community. It may be a bit disruptive to make a necessary course correction, but Trump is doing just that.

So, there ‘tis.