House Votes to Subpoena Ivanka’s White House Communications

  30 Jul 2019

At first blush, it would appear that ethically challenged House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, hasn’t a prayer in getting his hands on First Daughter’s White House correspondents along with her personal email and phone records, simply because of “executive privilege.”

Regardless of the 23 to 16 vote resolution passed on Thursday by the House to subpoena those documents from Ivanka Trump.

The resolution authorizes House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings to subpoena “records relating to the Committee’s investigation into the use of non-official electronic messaging accounts by non-career officials at the White House.”

The Washington Post reported in 2018 that Ivanka Trump inadvertently sent hundreds of emails regarding government business over the course of 2017 using her own personal email account rather than her work account.

Which she had acknowledged to White House counsel in 2018, who had reviewed the issue with Ivanka, and noted within a lengthy statement that the First Daughter at the time did not understand the rules governing private email use during the beginning of her tenure in the administration.

“While transitioning into government, after she was given an official account but until the White House provided her the same guidance they had given others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her personal account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family,” the White House counsel concluded.

Fast forward three days after the embarrassing Mueller hearings and another corrupt Democratic leader namely Elijah Cummings. is once again attempting to harass another Trump, with a bogus demand for documents.

The embattled Maryland congressmen who’s currently facing his own ethics probe regarding allegations stemming from the congressmen’s wife regarding a charity and a for-profit consulting firm she owns and her alleged financial dealings that has drawn the attention of the IRS, along with a potential perjury charge, and the congressmen’s potential “pay for play” malfeasance mixing those chartable donations with the same individuals Cummings currently does business with in congress…which is both a conflict of interest along with an ethics violation

However that hasn’t stopped Cummings from harassing the First Daughter stating in a Thursday statement that the Committee “obtained direct evidence that multiple high-level White House officials have been violating the Presidential Records Act.”

Adding, that the Presidential Records Act  “establishes public ownership of all presidential records and defines the term presidential records” and “requires that the President and his staff take all practical steps to file personal records separately from presidential records.”

Then in an ironic twist, considering what awaits Cummings the corrupt politician states “What we do not yet know is why these White House officials were attempting to conceal these communications.”

Adding “I don’t know how to say this any differently: We have laws, and the laws say we keep official records.”

“The Democrats are no closer to their goal of impeaching the President — in fact; I think they’re farther away. … But they don’t waste any time. … Now they’re going to go after the emails of the first family in an attempt to create an appearance of some type of controversy,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the Oversight Committee, said Thursday.

What’s seems clear is that the Mueller hearings although they proved disastrous for Democrats, hasn’t curtailed their insatiable appetite to impeach the President, regardless of what the latest polls say.

Democrats will lick their wounds, and press forward waiting for another controversy to once again gin up their radical base of malcontents to demand impeachment hearings, right up until they lose the White House, the Senate, and the House in 2020.