Swedish professor suggests the insane act of cannibalism is the key

  09 Sep 2019

A Swedish professor of applied behavioral sciences has suggested that we may need to rethink cannibalism and begin eating human flesh to save the planet from the devastating effects of climate change.

In an interview with TV4, Professor Magnus Söderlund spoke about the controversial topic of a presentation he recently delivered at the Gastrosummit food fair in Stockholm – an event based around the ‘food of the future’.

The topic: eating human flesh as a way to combat the devastating effects of climate change.

Söderlund, and far-left pseudo environmentalists like him, love to lay the blame of the earth’s warming at the feet of the meat and farming industries.

According to Söderlund, a big-brained Professor of Marketing and Head of Center for Consumer Marketing at the Stockholm School of Economics, one way to limit the production of greenhouse gases is for all of us to simply switch to a human flesh-based diet. Easy right?

During the interview segment, Söderlund tells the host that the primary obstacle to the proposal is the taboo surrounding the consumption of dead human beings.

Söderlund generously concedes that most individuals are “slightly conservative” when it comes to consuming food that they’re not used to, like human meat.

Recently, the same far-left pseudo environmentalists and their allies in the mainstream media have gone on a propaganda campaign to promote the less revolting idea of eating insects as a way to save the planet from global warming.

With all of this in mind, it’s fair to say that it’s only a matter of time before trendy restaurant establishments are serving their patrons fried centipedes paired with human bicep femoris, medium rare, of course.