Trump Signs Executive Order to Prevent Flu Pandemic

  26 Sep 2019

Last week President Trump issued an executive order (EO) aimed at spurring the development of better vaccines to protect against seasonal influenza as well as a potential pandemic flu outbreak.

The order falls short of allocating additional government funding right now, but rather calls for an evaluation of current flu vaccine manufacturing abilities and for the creation of a task force that will report to the President on what will be required to improve vaccines to better protect the public.

According to Reuters, a “senior administration official” speaking about the rationale behind the EO, said that each year the seasonal flu, which can kill tens of thousands of Americans, costs the United States about $50 billion, including lost productivity. “A serious flu pandemic would push those costs to between $1.8 billion and $3.8 billion,” he said.

Manufacturers such as GlaxoSmithKline Plc and Sanofi SA make millions of doses of flu vaccine for the U.S. market alone, growing the virus in chicken eggs. Usually the doses, which protect against strains that experts predicted the previous February, are ready in time and in sufficient quantity for the winter flu season.

But if the strain that appears during flu season was not the one that the experts forecast, the vaccines may be ineffective. This was the case in 2009, when the emergence of H1N1 swine flu took the CDC by surprise, and the flu was already on its second wave before a vaccine was ready; an estimated 61 million people in the U.S. got swine flu and thousands died.

The Department of Health and Human Services will coordinate government efforts to modernize influenza vaccine production. The focus will be on recombinant technologies to quickly produce reliable vaccines as well as “universal” vaccines that would elicit immunity against parts of the virus that do not change from year to year.