5G Is More Than What It’s Cracked Up To Be

  04 Oct 2019

Americans should be outraged at what is being forced down the throats of American citizens.  Yeah, we all love technology.  Technology is everywhere and is improving every day.  At one time, a computer was as large as a city block.  Now, our cell phones have more powerful computers in them than some of our past spacecraft. 5G stands for fifth-generation and can be used to push humanity forward but can it also be used as a weapon?

At the National Press Club on June 20, 2016, the Federal Communication Commission set the stage for the race to 5G.  On the I triple E beam forming document it states that this EMF (electromagnetic frequency) made soldiers’ eyes cook like eggs in WWII.  Microwave radiation warfare is what we are up against.  On a daily basis Americans are bombarded with electromagnetic waves and frequencies as it is.  5G is a silent low-frequency military-grade weapons technology.  Barrie Trower was in the Royal Navy in 1960 where he states that 5G is the perfect stealth weapon because it’s a low-level frequency that can cause cancers and neurological damage.

Mark Steele is a Weapons System Head of Display Expert in Britain.  He studied the effects of LED street lights emitting 5G frequencies on humans.  People in close proximity to the lights reported headaches and nose bleeds.  Steele also mentioned that based on the hertz and frequency, 5G can be used in conjunction with chemtrails where nano particulates sprayed out into our atmosphere create a glow on humans causing one’s location to be easily triangulated.

Two infamous cases of tumors caused by cell phone radiation are John McCain and Lebron James.  For keeping quiet about his salivatory tumor, LeBron was rewarded with becoming a spokesperson for Samsung.  Currently, the radiation level of 5G is one quintillion times above natural background radiation levels according to Professor Ollie Johansen of Sweden.  The United States and Canada have set the standard level of EMF 600-1000 times higher than levels known to cause cell degeneration on the microbial level.  It only takes .0000000002 microwatts per centimeter squared for standard cell phone operation.  At .000027 microwatts per centimeter, pine cone needles on trees begin to age.  6.0 microwatts per centimeter begins DNA damage in cells yet the U.S. has the standard set at 600-1000 microwatts per centimeter which is tens of thousands of times higher than hazardous emission levels.  You are not safe.

Health risks associated with radiofrequency radiation are unknown to the general public.  In fact, the industry and companies set to benefit from 5G technology have not invested much in finding out all of the health risks 5G poses to humans.  Industry-funded testing positively supports 5G while independently funded testing shows this technology to be very harmful as mentioned in the previous paragraph.  This is a checkmate move for those set out to destroy and control what’s left of humanity.  Is it any wonder why most major insurance companies will not insure wireless companies.  The insurance companies are fully aware of the liability of insuring a company promoting a product that can and will cause severe health issues.

We are apparently in the technological age but is all technology worth the risk to the health of humanity?  Are major wireless companies nefariously pushing harmful tech on the public just to make a buck?  Is this about money and market share or are we being set up by our government officials to be diminished and controlled?  We are living in the last days so do your homework and be aware.