CBD Coffee For Perky Pain Relief

  16 Oct 2019

“We’ve had people almost start crying because it stopped their pain.”

So said Mike Majeski, who owns a health shop in Asbury, New Jersey, that sells oils, creams, juice, and smoothies that all contain CBD oil.

Three years ago, Ryan Jensen (23) from New Jersey started taking CBD in tinctures made by a friend to ease the pain brought on by adolescent Osgood-Schlatter disease, an inflammation of the area just below the knee where the tendon from the kneecap attaches to the shinbone. His joints ached less and he slept better. The young man also felt less pain after skateboarding and playing basketball.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the therapeutic compound in cannabis that doesn’t get you high – it has no psychotropic properties whatsoever. But it has been linked with many health benefits.

“People are raving about CBD because it relieves pain without any mind-altering effects. CBD oil is made from a sticky, gooey resin extracted from marijuana plant flowers which is then diluted with a carrier such as coconut oil or hemp seed oil.”

I wrote those words last May. Since then, the nation has become increasingly CBD-happy. Now you can get coffee blended with CBD. Billed by one Colorado vendor as an “exceptional” cup of coffee, this brew (30mg CBD infused per 12 ounces of whole bean) takes away your pain while leaving you perky and ready for whatever the day throws at you:

– Feel Alert, Calm & Focused

– Alleviate Minor Inflammation & Pain

– Compliment your Natural Wellness Routine

Canna coffees get their CBD from added hemp oil which contains phytocannabinoids that are a natural part of the plant – including CBD. Health benefits of CBD include:

  • Mild analgesic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiemetic

The recommended daily dose of CBD is 5 milligrams. But not all health experts agree that drinking cups of CBD-infused coffee willy-nilly could have a downside. Bonni Goldstein, MD, a California-based physician who specializes in cannabinoid therapy, said that CBD used as a supplement by healthy people is fine but warned that medical patients shouldn’t tinker around with their own medications:

“Those who want to use CBD for serious medical conditions, such as seizure disorders or inflammation from autoimmune disorders, should not take CBD in this manner, as accurate CBD dosing is extremely important for efficacy in these types of illnesses.”

Still, it’s easy to find a multitude of happy CBD customer reviews online. For example, Cindy posted in December 2017 that her 12-year-old daughter with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) had been treated successfully after being hospitalized but the condition flared up two years later:

“My cousin suggested CBD oil, so I went to a local shop and they recommended a “Tummy Tincture” which is 350mg CBD with Mint leaf, Ginger Root and Dandelion extract. I could hardly believe how quick and effective it was for her! Within 20 minutes she stopped crying from the pain, and with 3 days of treatment, the flare up completely went away!”

Reviewer Stormi enthused:

“CBD oil is a true Godsend!! After almost 30 years of dilibitating [sic] migraines that no amount of prescriptions could help—CBD oil has!! I use a few drops at the onset of migraine and microdose as needed until symptoms are gone! Gone!! The migraine disappears—as if it never happened!! CBD oil is amazing — I can vape for immediate relief or take drops that work within 10 minutes for me! Thank you!! This is amazing stuff!!”

For the record, in 2018, $620 million worth of CBD products were sold. Every forecaster expects CBD sales to surge upward, as much as 706% ($4.38 billion) in 2019 to $23.7 billion by 2023.

The hemp plant produces compounds called cannabinoids which help balance the endocannabinoid system. An imbalanced endocannabinoid system can lead to symptoms that include inflammation, chronic pain, headaches, and other more serious health conditions.

Some users find CBD very effective to soothe what ails them. A 48-year-old woman said 2 capsules a day of a commercial CBD product was easing the uncomfortable symptoms of perimenopause without all the drugs and hormone therapy that her mother went through back in the days.

Another satisfied customer stated that it helped lower high blood pressure. But sufferers of stronger pain levels say they need a more powerful treatment. A person with chronic thoracic back pain stated that CBD oil does not help at all.

Check out this CBD-infused coffee top-ten list to see how others are rating these new products.

Another website gives their top picks for best 2019 CBD oil brands if you want to control your doses. Why limit adding this healing oil to coffee? Why not tea, soup – or drizzled over a salad?