Five Surprisingly Healthy Holiday Gifts!

  16 Dec 2019

Forget the sugar cookies, fudge and fruit cakes, here is a list of some healthy gifts for the fitness freaks in your life, or those who can just use a little help in making up for Holiday indulgences and keeping their New Year’s resolutions.

  1. A Water Bottle – A water bottle can be a very inexpensive, yet thoughtful stocking stuffer. While the amount of water we should drink everyday has changed over the years, all health and fitness experts recognize the importance of staying hydrated. The general consensus now is that you need to drink between a half and one ounce of water per pound of body weight. You can help someone you know reach their daily goal by giving them a water bottle to take to the gym or to work. Some bottles even have measurements on the side to help track how much you’ve consumed throughout the day. And, if you are a business owner, water bottles imprinted with your company name and logo, make for great holiday gifts for clients.
  2. A Fitness Monitor – For those on your list who you may be spending a little more on, a wrist fitness monitor, such as a Fitbit, could be a great gift that keeps on giving. Wearing such a tracking device can help your friends and family see where they are with health essentials like exercise, heart rate and sleep.
  3. A Sleep Mask and Pajamas

Getting a good night’s sleep is a phrase you hear often, but how many times do you actually experience it? You can help someone else deal with their stress, busy schedule, and other distractions by giving them a sleep set this year. On a basic level, getting around eight hours of sleep each night improves mood and cognitive performance. It also prevents common illnesses and lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Research studies have found that that sleep masks can improve sleep quality and help improve hormone imbalances – the PJs? You can just throw those in to make someone feel warm and fuzzy!

  1. A Gardening Kit

Growing your own plants can be fulfilling, beautiful, and healthy. A University of Pennsylvania study linked gardening to better sleeping habits. It’s also a good strategy for reducing stress and improving heart health. And if your gift sparks a full gardening hobby, a diet high in fresh vegetables definitely won’t hurt. If they live in a part of the country that won’t see any gardening until spring, and you do not want them to wait that long to benefit from this gift, consider an indoor potted herb garden. Potted herbs are beautiful and tasty. Plus using herbs and spices in your food helps you cut out added salt and lower your cancer risk.

  1. Red Wine and Chocolates

This gift carries the double whammy of being decadent and romantic, and healthy to boot!  A box of dark chocolates is a fantastic gift for someone who has a sweet tooth, although it isn’t nearly as sweet as unhealthy candy bars. Dark chocolate is a powerful antioxidant, and it’s loaded with nutrients like fiber, iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. For the adults on your list, add in a bottle of red wine, which has also been linked to several health benefits when it’s consumed in moderation.

Most of these ideas are relatively inexpensive, allowing you to stay within your price range and share the gift of health with many different people.

What do you think of this list of healthy gift ideas? Do you have any you can add? Please reply using the comments below!