The Surprising Health Benefits of Essential Oils

  25 Dec 2019

Looking for the perfect Holiday gift? How about something that can help to reduce Holiday stress and anxiety, as well as promote good health all year long. Give the gift of some essential oils!

Essential oils are a great, natural way to help reduce stress over the hectic Christmas period. With a host of different types, essential oils have been around for thousands of years, but have recently gained popularity thanks to their incredible health benefits.

Here is the rundown of some of the top types of essential oils, and what they can be used for.


Lavender oil is touted for its calming benefits and has been frequently used for insomnia, anxiety and natural stress relief. One study found that lavender oil calmed the nervous system – lowering blood pressure and heart rate.


Cedarwood oil has been used for centuries thanks to its restorative properties. It can be used to ease tension, reduce stress and clear the mind.

Sweet orange

This powerful essential oil carries a lot of benefits for the mind and body, like reducing feelings of anxiety and stress and boosting your mood. It can also improve skin complexion, relieve inflammation, promote better digestion and lower blood pressure.

Orange blossom

Orange blossom oil is said to ease tension, cure headaches, alleviate stress and enhance mood. In a 2013 study published in the journal, Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, orange blossom – or neroli essential oil as it’s also known – was found to reduce anxiety and alleviate sleep problems in patients.

Juniper Berry

The berries of the juniper tree give us this beautiful, calming essential oil. It has a strong woodsy but clean aroma. It is thought to support urinary tract health and issues related to the kidneys. It may have a use for reducing pimples and improving complexion. You could put a drop into your face moisturizer.


How could the Holiday Season be complete without Peppermint? Peppermint gives us that zingy, fresh aroma that most people associate with mint. It’s from the high menthol content. But, peppermint can do more for you this time of year then decorate your home with candy canes and other minty deserts at the holiday table. Diffuse peppermint or apply a dab to your temples if you have a headache. You can also put a drop into your smoothie for a unique, refreshing flavor, and rejuvenating beverage.

These are only a few examples of the amazing health benefits of essential oils. Essential oils are used for a many different physical or mental conditions including depression, anxiety, sleeping problems, pain, stress, hormonal imbalance, and so much more.

Have you used essential oils? Which ones have you used? What have been your results? Please reply using the comments below.