CBD for Chronic Pain

  11 Mar 2020

Cannabinol, or CBD, has proven to be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of many diseases and conditions. Every day it seems that there is new evidence of some ailment for which CBD can be an effective treatment.

However, one of its earliest known uses was for the treatment of chronic pain. In other cultures, CBD was used for thousands of years to treat various types of pain, however the modern medical establishment is only just verifying the intrinsic knowledge of these ancient healers.

A recent “mega-study,” which is a research project that combines the research on a given medical practice that has been done over the years, concluded that there is substantial evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.

A separate study, this one published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine supports these results. This research suggests that using CBD can reduce pain and inflammation.

In both cases, the researchers also found that subjects were not likely to build up a tolerance to the effects of CBD, so they would not need to increase their dose continually. They noted that cannabinoids, such as CBD, could offer helpful new treatments for people with chronic pain.

In addition to sufferers of chronic pain there has been research that has shown that CBD is also an effective form of pain management for people with:

  • Arthritis Pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cancer Pain

Most people tolerate CBD well, and there are little or no side effects. Certainly, any such side effects are far less than tradition pharmaceutical treatments for pain.

Bottom Line on CBD for Pain Relief

Opioid addiction is a major problem in this country. Most of that has been caused by the over-prescription of the addictive and otherwise dangerous drugs for pain relief.

Multiple studies have suggested that CBD oil is a helpful alternative, non-opioid treatment for pain. CBD oil is especially promising due to its lack of intoxicating effects and a possible lower potential for side effects than most other pain medications.


Have you or anyone you know used CBD for pain? What were the results? Please reply using the comments below.