What America eats is eating America

  09 Mar 2020

The headline seems to be the contention of the folks at MSNBC.  They are airing a new “food show” to replace Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain when the host committed suicide in 2018.

This time it is a show called “What’s Eating America” hosted by a chubby ex-alcoholic named Andrew Zimmern.  What could go wrong with that?  It always strikes me that food shows featuring overweight hosts misses one point.  They are a bad example of what they are peddling.

But this show goes beyond the normal queasiness of watching a person down “exotic” foods – well beyond the taste and stomach of most American. Although personally, I like to try exotic foods – and have – including silkworms, bubble bees, rattle snake, alligator and deer penis stew, to mention a few.  I passed on the fried tarantulas, however.

Despite my proclivity to try almost anything, I find the premise of the new MSNBC offering to be … I don’t know … offensive?  Stupid?

The show claims to make a connection that we are what we eat beyond fat, skinny or prone to health issues from bad choices at the dining table.  This program relates food consumption to such great issues as slavery, alcoholism and even … get ready … voter oppression.

The show is nothing less than the politicization by the left of what we like to eat – or the social implications of what we eat.  It is all a bunch of nonsense. Was schnitzel the reason for World War II?  Was watermelon the source of oppression of blacks in the old Democrat southland? Did women get the right to vote by not serving dinner to their husbands?  Was feasting on a whataburger the road to political success for Joe Biden in the Texas primary?  Is a craving for salty snacks – such as peanuts and pretzels – the root cause of alcoholism?

Maybe the show will answer such conundrums as:  Do Asians eat a lot of rice because they grow rice?  Or … do they grow rice because they eat a lot of rice?

Will the show deal with another facet of liberal nonsense – ethnic appropriation?  This is the latest left-wing effort to keep us divided.  According to ethnic appropriation is when you take on customs – clothes, culture or FOOD – of another nation, you are a racist.  They claim it is wrong for non-Asians to wear clothes like – or inspired by – Asian cultures.  It also applies to food.  If you are not Chinese, you should not cook Chinees food – and God forbid a Mexican should own a Chinese restaurant. I actually know of one – and the food is great.  Especially the burrito eggroll. (Just kidding).

Maybe the show will explore my own personal theory as to why we of greater girth find it difficult to lose those extra pounds.  I am theorizing that there is a fixed amount of human fat in the world – and it averages out at 150 pounds per adult.  If some people are below that weight, others of us must literally bear the load.  That is why it is essential to put some meat (fat) on the bones of those under nourished people in Africa and India. Yes, it is a silly theory … a joke.  But is it any more of a joke than tying voter oppression – if it is even real — to the food chain?

Footnote: It would take a news network as jaded and corrupt as MSNBC to infuse their left-wing political narratives into a show about food.  Then again, they have been force-feeding America on a diet of political bulls**t for a long time.

So, there ‘tis.