Corrupt Joe Biden Elusive on Debate Night

  23 Oct 2020

A focus group of “undecided voters” convened by pollster Frank Luntz for the Los Angeles Times chose President Donald Trump overwhelmingly after watching the final debate of the presidential election on Thursday night.

Though many participants complained about Trump’s “personality” in general, many also felt he had been more “presidential” on the night. And many complained that Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden seemed vague and elusive in his answers.

A focus group of “undecided voters” convened by pollster Frank Luntz for the Los Angeles Times chose President Donald Trump overwhelmingly after watching the final debate of the presidential election on Thursday night.

Though many participants complained about Trump’s “personality” in general, many also felt he had been more “presidential” on the night. And many complained that Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden seemed vague and elusive in his answers.

That was considerably narrower than the margin in CNN’s poll of the first debate, which gave Biden a 32-point win.

17 thoughts on “Corrupt Joe Biden Elusive on Debate Night

  1. Biden avoided all talk of his and his family activities involvement of the years of illegal acquired money from foreign Countries. He is nothing but a crook and liar.
    God bless America and President Trump

    1. Nobody has shown any proof of Biden or his family receiving money from International sources that was or is illegal.
      As to being a crook that is questionable. But as he is a politician, very likely. But at worst, less than Donald Trump, who uses other peoples money in his businesses that go bankrupt and they lose their investment.
      Biden exaggerates positions but doesn’t lie about them like that other person. By the way that other person does not allow anyone including family to run his businesses, except in conformance with his instructions. Just ask his son Junior, who has been filmed being instructed who runs and operates Trump’s businesses.

  2. The life of our wonderful country is at risk with a vote for Biden! Wise up America- there is only one person to vote for if we want a free and thriving country!

  3. that old gasbag is getting harder and. harder to listen to. everyone in the world knows he and his no-good son have been making fortunes off their illegal deals with the chi-coms, ukranians, et al. to stand there and lie is unconscionable. in his town halls, debates, etc, he is clearly wired for sound. he is also full of his dementia cocktails. he had a wire coming out of his pants on the downhill, and one in his collar on the first debate. that is why he refused to be checked for earpieces, and other cheating devices. since they can’t keep him overly pumped, that is why his performances in person are so bizarre. that is the real Joe Biden. the one that drools, and can’t pronounce his words, and whose thoughts veer off in the middle of a sentence. last nite, he looked like he was constipated at times, when Trump made a great point. face all scrunched up, like “COME-ON, MAN!!! almost fell off the couch laughing. no doubt he is as guilty as the day is long. have to give his handlers credit tho, that line about he had never taken a dime from china is true, his son drug hunter washed it first, then handed it to “THE BIG GUY’. too bad Trump didn’t also ask him if he was the “CHAIRMAN’. also. which is another name hunter calls him.. “my chairman”. more like my stooge….. his daughter Ashley went from entry level to CEO after Joe bought out the company. her first job after college. they all are crooks, and I hope they all end up in jail…….

  4. correction. meant to say TOWNHALL. this Mac drives me nuts with the spell checks and added words.

  5. Is there a law that can accuse Democrats of starifistion of the American people they probably put the stimulus money in their pockets it’s time to get off their asses and do something for the American people and quit covering up Bidens mistakes his is a failure

  6. We can’t let DemocRats win & allow their crimes-Obama, Clinton, Biden corruptions including the deep state burried forever. Vote red 2020?????????

  7. Hate to say it folks but Biden is going to win this election 100,000,000 million to zero.
    I just heard it from upper eshalon in the FBI
    I thought these guys had integrity, valor and bravery : apparently not ! Where are the good men whose duty it is to protect us from threats both foreign and domestic??? They are derelict of duty and are complicit

  8. Yes, I watched the debate last night and Trump was on fire!! He tells it like it is and I like it! It’s refreshing to have a president who doesn’t mince words and avoid the hard questions that matter to the American people! He has no hidden agenda! He’s not hiding anything! He’s doing the job he was voted in to do and he’s doing a great job if you ask me. Why can’t he speak honestly like everyone else should! I don’t want a president who pussy foots around the issues and is a puppet for his party! Enough is enough! I wish we could have Trump in office longer than 8years, because he’s the only one whose made a difference and is waking up our country to what needs to be done to save our country! He’s putting a fire under their butts!!! It’s about time! Wake up people, can’t you see? I live in Illinois and I’ve only seen a few ads for Trump, but hundreds for Biden! How can anyone say that’s fair? The media and the networks where I live are obviously pushing for Biden by shoving him down our throats, well I’m telling you that all that does is make me want to vomit literally!! Be fair! Show us the other side! The American people have the right to know what is true and what isn’t! Let me tell you!, it’s not going to happen with sleepy Joe Biden behind the wheel that’s for sure! What has he done for America all these years?? Trumps done more in his first year in office than sleepy Joe his whole career in politics!!!!

  9. Good comments, when you consider “Operation Mockingbird”, Thomas Williams, The Special Expose, Part 2: THE COVID PLAN/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010, and the Communist/UN goals for world domination and control, (all found in Wikileaks), not to mention the Deep State sickness involving child trafficking and the murder of children in sick rituals, who the hell would KNOW?
    Every single whistleblower that tried to tell us the TRUTH of many world leaders involved in child trafficking, has been either labeled a “crazy conspiracy theorists”. Or worse! “accidents”, “suicide”, or just plain shot in the back! “Murder by Doorknob” is another great tool of the deep state! Calling Anthony Bourdain, a suicide by doorknob, when he was working on EXPOSING CHILD TRAFFICKING! FYI, the CIA invented the term “conspiracy theory” to debunk these ‘crazy’ and ‘suicidal’ whistleblowers! Pizza-gate exists, is real and HRC is SICK!
    But you ALL are dancing around the real reason the DNC/Communist party and their propaganda machine, the MSM, are lying to America! And know this, they have been lying to us for DECADES!
    I’m 60 and it’s time to face the truth! It’s the final digital war and it’s between GOOD and EVIL!!!
    Which are you? TRUMP2020!

  10. Biden don’t have a clue. I don’t care if you’re republican, Democrat or independent, there’s something wrong with this country if Biden is elected president. I can’t see Democrat’s winning any state. DC. a non-state will probably be their only ticket. Biden was stuck on Covid and immigrant kids separated at the order. Maybe we should back pedal to 2016-2017 during the massive southern border crossings when kids were dying from FLU-LIKE symptoms. COVID-19 carries that same symptom. Who knows, maybe COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. earlier than we think. However, the easy ticket is to blame the President.

  11. In the councils of government we must guard
    Againstt the acquisition of unwarranted
    influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exist
    and will persist, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberty or
    Democratic process D. Eisenhower

    PROCESS. Having said this
    What say you .., JOE BIDEN ??????

  13. Joe is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg and has learned his means of extortion and blackmail through long years in politics. How does a creature from Scranton PA become so wealthy as do all the others on their regular, albeit very generous salaries. Look at the likes of Maxine and even Barack Hussein in their multi million mansions. Joe has had 47 years to hone his criminal trade and unfortunately for him, his son is now the reason for his downfall.
    I shudder to think of this half-wit sitting across from Putin or Kim or even Boris when he is incapable of stringing a sentence together. We are then doomed to a surrogate Presidency in the hands of Kamala, the ultra left wing nut in the Senate. The Democrats / Socialists rejected Bernie because he was too left for them but old Kammy has become their Trojan Horse.
    I pray that Donald J will prevail in November 3rd.

  14. President Trump has the old school personality. You might not like how he says something but he is always right with his comment. We grew up with a father who talked to people the same way, and we just got use to it. Yes there is a politically correct way to say things but then doesn’t the concept of what you’re trying to point out get lost in being politically correct ? Our family feels it’s bull s h I t to hate someone for how they might answer or try to explain something to someone. Do the Democrats care about anyone but themselves, yes without a doubt. Just listen to pelosi, Schumer, Clinton they don’t care about anyone but themselves. The Dems hate Trump because they knew he would do a great job. I don’t care how he speaks ,I care about him helping our country. He has done that more than any other President in the last 20 years. He truly loves America and only wants the best opportunities for each and everyone of us. Have the Democrats cared about us, that answer is NO.they only pad their pockets with billions of dollars, and lie to everyone. Nancy Pelosi said Americans are stupid. Maybe she should look at her past in a mirror and see what a train wreck she is .Secrets, Illegal deals, and lying come back and will bite you all in the butt, was it worth it you pieces of garbage ?

  15. Come on folks, wake up and smell the flowers!! “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”!! Biden has been “skimming” for almost 50 years — where do you think his wealth is coming from?? Obama was a second rate “mob” organizer, and 12 years into politics (democrat) he’s buying a $16,000,000 estate. Again, smell the flowers (or is that Coke?). At least President Trump has been a business man and “made” his fortune BEFORE coming into POLITICS !!! How many of these “sympathetic” politicians have DONATED their salaries BACK to public charities — and, by the way, how many had their families (if they had any) working for NOTHING?? It’ll be a LONG time before another Donald Trump comes along — I just hope we will keep him “on the job” for another four years — and if we don’t, GET READY FOR THE RAM !!!

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