Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Account

  15 Oct 2020

Twitter locked the account of @TeamTrump, an official Trump campaign account, citing the same policy it used to ban links to the New York Post’s bombshell story on hitherto unrevealed links between Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas giant Burisma.

Mike Hahn, a social media manager for Team Trump, revealed the censorship in a tweet earlier today.

“Twitter has suspended ⁦ TeamTrump for posting a video calling Joe Biden a liar who has been ripping off our country for years, as it relates to the ⁦@nypost ⁩article” said Hahn. He added the suspension comes “19 days out from the election.”

According to the screen Hahn tweeted, the tweet violates the platform’s rules against “posting private information.”

TeanTrump is the official account of the Trump campaign. It has 2.2 million followers and plays a critical role in disseminating the campaign’s messages on Twitter. The fact that it is unable to post is a major advantage granted by Twitter to the Biden campaign.

This is the latest in a series of brazen actions by Twitter and other big tech companies. Yesterday, Twitter also locked the personal account of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

Twitter is also labeling links to the website of the House Judiciary Committee as “potentially unsafe,” because Republicans on the Committee posted material from the New York Post’s story to the site.

The unprecedented censorship was catalyzed by a scramble to suppress the New York Post’s publication of material indicating that Joe Biden, while Vice President, met with an executive at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas giant for which his son Hunter Biden worked.

The former VP previously said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

The meeting occurred in the same year that Biden, in his own words, pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a state prosecutor that had been investigating the company.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. His new book, #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election, which contains exclusive interviews with sources inside Google, Facebook, and other tech companies, is currently available for purchase.

21 thoughts on “Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Account

  1. Twitter and Facebook have gone way too far. They do not own us. I am hardly ever on Twitter or Facebook anymore. There are newer more kind sites that have replaced Twitter and Facebook. I also think that the reasons why Twitter and Facebook are banning and taking down accounts is because what is happening now with the Bidens and Pelosi is that the truth is getting too close to them. They are in danger of being found out about their involvement in Bidens crimes, their money laundering in certain third world countries and their involvement in child sex trafficking. They are banning to cover their own crimes, but it is backfiring on them. The stories they do not want us to read or watch on video are out there anyway and we do get those stories anyway. They can run, but, they cannot hide. I would advise all of you to get off Twitter and Facebook, find the new replacement sites and be happy.

  2. Twitter should be charged with fiancé charges. They should have to give President Trump equal amount to money.

  3. The social media companies had better wake up. If the election goes against them, I will be screaming at the top of my lungs to end their legal protections. Any fair minded person should be outraged by their behavior.

  4. Apparently Twitter does not support FREE SPEECH.,
    Restraints need to be enacted to make them play fair. They are so UN-AMERICAN! I wouldn’t care if they could be closed down completely.

  5. The truth about Joe Biden and his son should be made public where it pertains to the US. Also why aren’t the Clintons in jail? Why aren’t the politicians you know are guilty of wrong doing haven’t been processed? None of us have forgotten Ted Kennedy and the death he caused.

  6. hey folks, why doesnt everyone who has a twitter account cancel it for a week or so? same with facebook. wake these morons up, you can censor Trump, his campaign, but not lying Biden? I want so badly to see drug hunter biden and his gasbag father answer for all the corruption they have participated in over the years. Uncle sniffy fingers has enriched his entire family, now including the moron who married his daughter. he started a company that deals in coronavirus things, and is in regular contact with his father in law. isn’t this insider trading???? this guy is making billions off we the people. his brother, made a gazillion dollars off the gulf wars as a contractor, despite no knowledge of construction. sound familiar? drug hunter took his uncle on a $100,000 shopping spree, courtesy of Russia. watch the u tube movie, RIDING THE CHINESE DRAGON. it will show the money trail of drug hunter. they have proof, receipts, testimonies, etc. his partner in one venture, is heading to prison for his part. drug hunter is next. the email that surfaced yesterday that twitter and facebook refuse to post or allow comments was taken directly off hunters laptop that he left (abandoned) at a Delaware computer repair shop. it was not hacked, as twitter and facebook would have you believe. drug hunter gave his permission for them to work on it. he never came back for it as he probably didn’t realize that the Ukraine official of burisma had sent it. the shop owner kept a copy and turned it over to the FBI,which is a BIG mistake, as they will bury it alongside Clintons misdeeds. but, the email is on social media for all to see and read. that is why biden called a lid at 9:41am yesterday. he wanted time to make. up a realistic excuse. he didn’t have to, twit and assclown book did it for him. read it and make up your own mind. vote republican if you want to keep the America we all love. also, read the how to manual of the anarchists called COUP, which is also. on line. it may keep you and yours safe to recognize their intentions.. MAGA. KAG. TRUMP 2020

  7. This is just terrible. I am glad I am a Canadian right now so not to have to vote !! This is not going to affect Joe Biden but also the many voting citizens. Why can’t these people just shut their mouths and get on with life. All this dirt is terrible only 13 days from the election !!! Get a life !!!!!!!

  8. Nice account of the facts. Why don’t we have have alternatives to the corrupt Facebook, Google, Twitter, and all of their subsidiaries? Time to give our business to companies that put honesty and America first!!!

  9. Big tech did the wrong thing.Section 230 protection is going to end for them.Class action lawsuits will ensue because they are acting as publishers and not as an open platform which is what they are.I say the FCC and federal government seizes big techs domain names for what they have repeatedly done to the president, those in his circle and conservatives voices across the country who speak the truth and or have opposing view points.

  10. Welcome to the United States of Communism!!
    Everyone with any intelligence realizes that the only reason Biden in the presidential candidate is so Kamala gets to be the first woman and one of mixed lineage to become president.
    She is from a line of communists and Marxists, including her Jamaican – Irish father, a founder of the black panthers and other special interest groups. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    She wants us enjoying the dog food dinners Obama told Americans was a healthy diet for the elderly, or how about the delectable diet of bamboo that the Castros acclaimed as great food for the people .
    Hunter Biden is his father’s son completely .
    Joe is up to his eyeballs in Hunter’s corruptness, for the taught his son everything he knew about being a sleaze bag.
    Joe can look into our eyes a lie, his natural state of mind.
    They are ‘ confidence’ men , and Joe used the US government as his game .
    He has done nothing for blacks, Latin Americans, or any other minority in 47+ years in government . He and his family have grown rich at US citizens’ peril.
    He is smooth, Old joe, mentor to Hunter ,and keeps his oil can plentifully stocked.
    Words like snakes and slugs come to mind, but those are from the animal kingdom.
    These people are demons and do not deserve to be associated with base members of the animal kingdom.
    They are too disposable to be of the animal kingdom.

  11. If Joe Biden and the Democrats win the Presidency and retake the House and win the Senate you can expect more of this censorship only greater. This is what the Socialists’ do. Speak up against the State and you will be arrested, killed or suddenly disappear. Read the book 1984. It was stated very clearly how “Big Brother” is watching.
    It is important to get out and vote AND vote for the Republicans. If the Democrats win, this country as we now know it, will be unrecognizable

    TRUMP 2020

  12. Twit Twit Twitter is a monopoly a corrupt one Remove Twitter from internet until they can write a brief That they will not touch any twit that people put in .Maybe a year has to be posted in every post Office across this great NATION. Maybe two Years. HMMMMMM I not sure maybe five years add Goggle to the bunch.

  13. Mr. Trump looks more and more like an angel compared to lazy, lying, sleepy, corrupt Joe! And his son
    Hunter is a ‘ chip off the old slime-ball! ‘

  14. I’ve encouraged all my circle I’d friends to drop their twitter accounts due to the censorship they have decided to take to . The fact that they ferlnitscoknfiebyytm to block president trump and yet agree with the things that joe node s do. Has done to ruin our country is absurd . Please if you have a twitter account please cancel
    It until they decide to run a fair and honest company which this certainly isn’t kind of like censorship


  16. Stop using twitter and face book forever
    Stop doing business with their advertisers
    Your a twit and not an American if you use twitter
    Face book sells your information face book is communist tyranny in action
    Close your accounts they are invading your privacy rights they are the devil!
    Crush these communist morons and their tech
    America doesn’t need them
    They need you
    Just stop using Facebook and twitter get your life back go outside live your life!

  17. This is total bull shit.We all watched Sleepy Joe tell that Ukraine official he was getting on the plane in 6 hours ( or however long it was ) and if the prosecuting attorney wasn’t fired then they weren’t getting the millions they were promised and low and behold the attorney investigating Hunter ( Biden’s son ) was fired so that alone confirms that the info on that laptop IS LEGIT. I don’t get on Twitter anyhow so no love lost there and I’m about to turn off Facecrook because I’m sick and tired of everyone covering the Biden’s and the Democrats asses.TRUMP 2020-2024 K.A.G.

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