Wrapping our Heads Around Wrinkles

Wrapping our Heads Around Wrinkles

We all know that skin ages, and once you are over 35, you can easily see the results of aging skin in the mirror. However, to understand what can and cannot be down to prevent those lines and wrinkles from staring back at you, you must understand how and why skin ages.

There are basically two types of skin-aging: photo-aging and chronological aging. Photo-aging is largely the appearance of aging skin that is caused by exposure to sunlight – specifically to the damaging effects of UVA and UVB radiation. As you might imagine, minimizing exposure to these rays can, for the most part, prevent photo-aging.

The other way that skin ages is by chronological aging – or the normal passage of time, and the changes in the biological processes that keep skin young and healthy that go on below the surface of the skin.

As we age, the body’s processes in general begin to break down. Our immune function deteriorates, and skin damage in the form of tumors both malignant and benign becomes more likely. Even very minor such growths or lesions, that pose no real heath threat, when they occur in the blood vessels or tissues in the dermal layers, can give the skin on the surface an unhealthy look. These abnormalities are more visible in the areas were skin is thinner, such as around the eyes and nose, and face. As we age the natural exfoliation and replacement of the epidermis slows significantly. What was replaced as fresh new skin in mere days in our youth, takes weeks, sometime months, as we get older.

As you get older, the entire lifecycle between the different layers of skin changes. As the epidermis replenishes more slowly, skin remains thinner at the surface. This makes it not only easier for damage below the surface to show through – but the skin itself is more subject to external damage. Both of which can give the skin an unhealthy, older look. But more importantly as replenishment of the epidermis slows, there is a less efficient exchange of nutrients and vital energies between the layers. Removal of waste, including free-radicals slows down, and the decreased levels of nutrients leads to less collagen being produced, and a cycle of on-going deterioration continues.

Collagen is the primary fiber that supports the skin. A significant reduction in collagen results in lines, wrinkles, and sagging.

What happens as our skin continues to age is that healthy collagen is replaced by another substance called glycosaminoglycans (CAGs). CAGs are always present in the skin. In our youth these molecules that form a jelly-like compound, primarily serve as support of collagen, which is a stronger, thicker molecule. As collagen depletes the CAGs take up its place in supporting the upper skin layers, but since it is not as sturdy as collagen, more sagging and wrinkling occurs. Think what your house would look like, if you slowly replaced its concrete foundation, with rubber!

All of these normal aging processes of the skin lead to a person appearing older, and they start to really ramp up from the 40s onward.

You can’t stop them –no matter what some of the “Fountain of Youth” products claim – but you can slow them down!

Never Too Young to Start Taking Care of Your Skin

All experts on skincare agree that you are never too old, or too young to start a proper anti-aging skin care regimen.

First and foremost, the number one ager of skin is the sun. You must minimize your exposure to UVA and UVB radiation, not only to prevent skin cancer, but also to reduce the appearance of aging skin. Always wear sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15 and try to avoid being in the sun when UV is at its peak –between the hours of 10:00AM and 4:00PM. Here are a few more tips for healthier skin.

  • If you do not smoke don’t start – if you do, quit, it will benefit more than your skin!
  • Water, water, water and more water. Your skin craves moisture and you must stay properly hydrated to promote youthful looking skin
  • Wear shades. Sunglasses will not only give you that cool South Beach celeb look – they will protect the sensitive skin around your eyes from wrinkle causing UV rays.
  • Regular aerobic exercises will not only improve your overall health, which boosts your immune system, which in turn helps keep your skin healthier – it also produces oxygen, which fights the damaging effects of free radicals on your skin.
  • Do moisturize and exfoliate your skin every day. A good natural exfoliant is to rub sea salt in a bit of water on your skin, pumice stones and loofah sponges are also excellent natural exfoliators.

You Are What You Eat

We’ve all heard the expression “you are what you eat.” It certainly applies to maintaining youthful and healthy skin. A skin healthy diet can do a lot to replace what aging and nature itself takes out.

Best Foods for Healthy Skin

The breakdown and aging of skin is primarily caused by oxidation. Oxidation is the same process that causes metal exposed to the elements to rust. And the easiest way to prevent or minimize oxidation in the human body is to eat a diet rich in antioxidants. Another key to youthful looking skin is keeping it hydrated, so drinking plenty of water is critical to healthy skin. Eating foods rich in the “good fats”, Omega –3’s and monounsaturated fats, is good for many reasons, not the least of which is these fats help build a layer of healthy fat below the surface of the skin that keep in moisture.

The three most important antioxidants for skin care are Vitamins A, C, and E. Effective skincare products will contain these vital nutrients as active ingredients. A study recently published in The Journal of Investigative Dermatology reported increased levels of vitamins C and E in the long term reduced the severity of sunburns from exposure to UVB radiation. Further, the study concluded that the antioxidant vitamins help protect against cellular damage that leads to skin aging.

Have you ever heard how healthy people seem to “glow”? Truth is your skin is your outward reflection of your internal health – so eating a diet that is rich in antioxidants and that otherwise promotes good health will naturally have you looking as good as you feel.