Social Division Seeded by the American Medical Association

Social Division Seeded by the American Medical Association

The AMA is the biggest institute and lobbying group in our country representing physicians and medical students. The mission of the AMA is “to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.”

The neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT) was created in the mid-1970s by liberal legal scholars aiming to illuminate racial differences in the courtroom. By highlighting these differences CRT is used to inject racial antagonism into society to amplify the social rift of systemic racism.

CRT is a technique based on Marxist teachings of creating the hierarchically engineered, perfect society. In a bold display of racism one of the most powerful medical societies in the United States, the American Medical Association (AMA), had decided to embrace the CRT.

The AMA published a three-year road map to guide its operational procedures from 2021 to 2023. “With the input of many both inside and outside of AMA, this strategic plan serves as a three-year roadmap to plant the initial seeds for action and accountability to embed racial justice and advance health equity for all of our years to come.”

Astonishingly, the AMA has chosen to reject “equality” and “meritocracy” as guiding standards by deciding to implement CRT techniques. These standards have deep roots in most Western societies.

“We must adopt collaborative and participatory approaches and ensure that we use the theories (intersectionality, critical race theory*, etc.), tools and approaches that allow us to consistently identify, elevate and work with marginalized groups in any spaces,” says the plan.

CRT is a seditious movement working under a righteous veil the has been accepted by the media, and now the medical foundation. This distortion allows CRT to function under a progressive scheme of being an agent for attaining “social justice.”

“Equality as a process means providing the same amounts and types of resources across populations. Seeking to treat everyone the “same,” ignores the historical legacy of disinvestment and deprivation through historical policy and practice of marginalizing and minoritizing communities. It has generated unequal society that traces back prior to the founding of our country,” says the report.

A close look at the previous quotation reveals the word “ignores”, which flips the seemingly “righteous” sound of the report and exposes its veil.

“As a national leader in health care, it is incumbent on the AMA to lean into its influence and play a more prominent role in the current national reckoning on equity and justice both by using existing assets—relationships, training platforms, programs, advocacy, communication and marketing infrastructure—and creating new assets as levers for change,” states the main page of a section of the AMA web site dedicated to introducing the strategic plan.

The report depicts a plan to remove social injustices from the foundations of the American medical system, but this is a misrepresentation. The words above show the AMA is working to worsen societal division by cementing racial discrimination into its operations by separating people based on a “historical legacy of disinvestment and deprivation.”

Acknowledging the neo-Marxist basis of this movement and its use of the Critical Race Theory is of tantamount importance. The intention of Marxist institutions is to insert racial division into society, eroding freedom and dignity. Medical health professionals should be up in arms.

3 thoughts on “Social Division Seeded by the American Medical Association

  1. It appears there is another profession that has decided to play politics with race and racial equality without knowing or understanding what exactly is involved. Just as MLB, Delta Airlines, Coca-Cola,
    the AMA has decided they do not want to be known as a “racist” company. Just like the mentioned professions I am sure they have not read or know what is in the CRT plan
    They would rather just take up the talking points and not try to defend themselves

  2. As long as the practice of medicine is dictated by malpractice and health insurance companies, doctors will continue to practice as they are told.

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