Dems Trying to Ram Citizenship for Illegals into Infrastructure Resolution!

Dems Trying to Ram Citizenship for Illegals into Infrastructure Resolution!

By pushing their bloated socialist agenda, the progressives in the Democratic party have blown up any chance of a “bipartisan” infrastructure bill, particularly in trying to ram a provision for Amnesty to immigrants down the throats of the American people. A move that Senator Lindsey Graham says is the “dumbest idea in the history of Senate.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is slamming a proposal from Democrats to insert a provision that would grant a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants as part of the infrastructure spending proposal currently being debated in Congress.

“If you give one person legal status, there will be a run on our border like you have never seen before,” Graham said during a recent appearance on Fox News. “[It’s] the dumbest idea in the history of the Senate, the history of the White House. It will lead to the breakdown of law and order beyond what you see today.”

The Republican senator added such a move would amount to “a power grab” that has not a “damn thing to do with infrastructure.”

Graham’s comments came just one week after a group of Democratic House members penned a letter to the chairs of the House and Senate Budget committees urging them to include investments in immigration reform as part of the budget resolution for fiscal 2022. 

Graham’s comments echoed those of former President Donald J. Trump, who urged the GOP to push back against the Democrat’s overstuffed $3.5 trillion budget resolution. Trump said, “The infrastructure package has little to do with infrastructure as we know it, bridges, roads, tunnels, etc., but is a dramatic expansion of Government that will cost much more than the $3.5 trillion being discussed,” Trump added. “Don’t let this happen!”

Trump sounded the alarm in a statement, where he also said, “If Amnesty is included in the infrastructure package, there will be a run on our Southern Border the likes of which we have never seen before. It will be a signal that says, ‘come to America now because you will soon be a citizen.’

“Providing Amnesty to illegal aliens, in the history of what already is considered the greatest Border catastrophe, will result in disaster beyond our gravest nightmares,” the former president continued. “No country can pay this price. Will lead to ruination!”

Trump also warned that Democrats could seek to add language to the spending bill that would expand mail-in voting, a major point of contention in last year’s presidential election.

“Any effort to dictate national Mail-In Voting will be a disaster for our Country and for conservatism,” he said. “There will never be a Republican elected to high office again. I urge every Republican to fight this and deny Democrats a quorum if that is what it takes to make sure that the Democrats can’t use reconciliation.”

9 thoughts on “Dems Trying to Ram Citizenship for Illegals into Infrastructure Resolution!

  1. They are doing this to buy votes. They have proven time, and time again they do not care about the country or the people. They only think about themselves and how they can stay in power to make us ALL slaves to them.

  2. The more nonsense they put in the easier it should be to defeat the bill.

  3. This country is broke, my grandkids will pay for ever on the debit.
    Send the illegals back.
    No mail in voting.

  4. Of course they want their vote. Even thiugh they don’t care about them OR American citizens and taxpayers.
    In less than FIVE months, Feb-mid July, we have countless “got aways” plus 1.119 MILLION counted coming in. We hear we could get 2 Million illegals in by yrs end. WRONG. Numbers are increasing each month, inflow from over 160 countries worldwide. PLUS the got aways. We could EASILY get 3+ to 4 million in, plus got aways. We’re already likely up from 1.119 to over 1.5 million since that count 2 wks ago. That alone gets us to 3 million, but numbers are increasing daily. Plus got aways. We could be at 4 – 5 M even. We obviously can’t afford that. And Dems don’t care, as they run forward waving their latest Trillions bills.

  5. I hope this and the other “pork” that the Democrats want to include are made public. Their argument will be you do not care about the immigrants. Republicans should counter you do not care about the American citizen.
    I agree with President Trump, this will open the flood gates to people to come to America. The Dems are doing this because they know their policies are bad AND the need the “other” votes to keep them in office.
    Expose the truth

  6. WHY??? The Biden Administration cares nothing about the citizens of this nation whatsoever. They take care of illegals before even considering taking care of the hurting people who are LEGAL citizens in this nation. We have homelessness that has skyrocketed. Asheville, North Carolina is an example. The City Council voted to provide reparations to communities for slavery. WHY??? They are NOT slaves except in their own minds and the hatred that was passed down from one generation to the next. That money should go to provide affordable housing. That’s what you get when you live in a liberal city in a blue state. Go figure. Time to move.

  7. I’m more worried and concerned about the time it’s going to take us to repair the damage the democrats have caused than anything else. Don’t take this to mean it can’t be done, it’s just going to take more time to clean up the mess. Once over we’ll all be better off from the lessons learned that our freedoms are God given and worth fighting and even dying for. I really don’t know about what you believe but as far as I’m concerned the truth will come to light that the election was stolen and Trump will take his place back in the White house by August 16th as that would be the nicest birthday president that I could ever have. God bless you and god bless America.

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