Lindsey Graham Outlines How The Biden Administration Is Failing

Lindsey Graham Outlines How The Biden Administration Is Failing

Answering questions from reporters on July 6, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) expressed that he is “amazed at how badly” the U.S. has suffered under President Joe Biden in his first six months in office. Listing multiple problems that the Biden administration is faced with, Graham voiced his amazement at how badly they are being dealt with.

“The border is in chaos,” said Graham. “Afghanistan is teetering. China is rearing its head. Inflation is growing because we’re spending so much money that’s not paid for. You see lawlessness in the streets, the cops do not feel supported.”

Standing at the podium of a new conference on April 14th, Graham (R-SC) pointed to the picture of the twin towers tangled in smoke on 9-11 and said, “What makes you think this won’t happen again if we create the conditions for it to happen again?” He warned that the void created by withdrawing our troops, via order of the Biden administration, would make Afghanistan vulnerable to the Taliban, al-Qaida, and ISIS.

Graham highlighted how poorly the administration is controlling each issue:

  • Afghanistan withdrawal: 90% of troops already out of the country, the administration is pushing forward even though Taliban forces are advancing.
  • Mexican border crisis: though entrusted by President Biden to handle this issue, Vice President Kamala Harris has failed to take any appropriate action.
  • China: the country is displaying increasing aggression and expanding its nuclear arms stockpile.
  • Economy: Biden’s reckless and unrestrained spending is driving inflation skyward.

Ties with U.S. allies and border security have been damaged by Biden’s policies, and few in the party seem cognizant of the danger to our country. All Americans should feel privileged we have Senator Graham and like advocating for Biden to change his policies.

12 thoughts on “Lindsey Graham Outlines How The Biden Administration Is Failing

  1. Graham is nothing but a failure. He is a lazy ass hole who does work across the aisle and has his head up ass faces but.

    1. Biden is an idiot & a screw-up we all knew that from day 1 & he’s not mentally fit to run a country much less the United States all we can do is pray for our country to not get completely demolished in every way & hope for change in 4 years

  2. Biden is an idiot & a screw-up we all knew that from day 1 & he’s not mentally fit to run a country much less the United States all we can do is pray for our country to not get completely demolished in every & hope for change in 4 years

    1. I agree. They just talk but no positive things have come out of this White House. They think Americans are stupid. They spew ridiculous rhetoric.

      1. “They think Americans are stupid.” Stop and think about who is in the White House, Demorat congress, and is 85% of the governmental apparatus, before you discount “stupid” as being descriptive of the American people.

  3. We need to have immediate
    Change in our country.
    Biden/Harris should be impeached
    For not keeping their promise
    To preserve and protect our
    Country and people. They
    Hate America and care only for
    Illegal immigration.
    Reinstate The legitimate President,
    Donald Trump who lives this country
    And puts America first.
    We want freedom not socialism.

  4. The Biden Administration has fallen off the deep end in just the first 3 months and the damage has spiraled out of control. This administration needs to be stopped.and brought up on charges of treason. America is not America anymore. I pray God can help us bring this country back to Him.

  5. Is anyone surprised at Senator Graham’s remarks? Biden & Co. couldn’t get legitimately elected to dog catcher if not for the rampant and wide-spread fraud that characterized the 2020 election. That, save for a few states that have started to investigate that fraud, the MSM and the government has turned a blind-eye and a deaf ear to this “existential crisis” at the ballot box. Unless and until Congress and the Supreme Court become actively involved in investigating and then correcting the abuses of the electoral process in Nov. of 2020, any talk of retaking the House and Senate is verbal masterbation. Our representative republic is in danger of extinction unless we return to the Constitution as our guide and expel those who attack it. The BLM and Antifa movements must be treated as domestic terrorists and prosecuted aggressively for their violent abuses and fomenting of urban unrest. That our country has its flaws and needs periodic adjustments to both policies and practices are all part of the evolution of the republic. But to abandon the foundation that brought the USA to prominence on the world stage is to consign it, as well as the USSR, Cuba and other socialist “paradises” to the ash heap of history.

  6. Biden should be put in jail for all his crimes him and his son committed against this country. He should be shot for treason! His nickname is dirt bag joe!

  7. Graham doesn’t get it. Biden’s not failing. He means to destroy and hurt this country every way he can just like Obama. At that so far he’s succeeding.

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