Maxine Waters Uses 4th of July to Show Her Disdain for the US

Maxine Waters Uses 4th of July to Show Her Disdain for the US

Instead of celebrating our greatness, controversial Congresswoman from California, Maxine Waters, chose to use the July 4th Holiday as a platform to put her disdain for the country on full display.

Waters commemorated the Fourth of July by questioning the concept of American equality, citing the existence of slavery when the US was established in 1776 as well as current issues such as voting laws, the Supreme Court, and the deaths of Black people during police encounters.

Far from celebrating the U.S., Waters posted in a Twitter thread on Sunday that the Founding Fathers did not have Black people in mind when they created the country.

“[T]he Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men?” Waters tweeted Sunday. “Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”

Waters continued, referencing the Declaration of Independence’s assertion, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The California Democrat implied that while the Declaration of Independence says that this “self-evident,” recent events indicate otherwise.

Waters listed “voter suppression laws” in 17 states, possibly a reference to a report by the Brennan Center for Justice that 17 states passed laws that restrict the ability to vote. Most of these deal with absentee ballot security measures, voter ID, or updating voter registers. Waters also listed the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, who all died following or during police encounters. The congresswoman also said that the Supreme Court “gutted” Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, a reference to the court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder.

Waters was not the only Democrat to play the race card on social media over the holiday weekend. Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., tweeted on Sunday that when people talk about American freedom, it is only for White people.

Bush went on to say that the land is “stolen” and that Black people “still aren’t free.”

25 thoughts on “Maxine Waters Uses 4th of July to Show Her Disdain for the US

  1. If only we could bring those white plantation owners from the 1600’s BACK TO LIFE so that we could SHOW THEM WHAT THEY DID TO AMERICA.
    Show them Amerika’s ghetto cities and tell them they caused it.
    And then after we showed them what HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DID…..we hold them accountable and hang them!!!!!

    1. white plantation owners didnt do anything. They didnt bring the blackies to america. Idiots from other countries did. Hang them; with the blacks.

    2. White plantation owners have nothing to do with the way ghetto neighborhoods are today. The Democratic Party is the one keeping blacks down through handouts and freebies. Why work when you can get more money to stay home?

  2. ,mooooooomooooooo,. Then the communist cow doesn’t need a paycheck from America. Omar , nor any other terrorist who hates us. That’s not freedom of speech that’s terrorism.

  3. If the C–T hates this country then why is she in the position she is.? She is always welcome to give up her role and go live in another country.
    We have no problem kicking her bony butt out of this country. Anyone that spews this type of hate out of her mouth, causes chaos, and is so incompetant in her role doesn’t need to live in this great country!

  4. She is the most hateful person tha is in congress I don’t even listen to hr as she lies like a dong OOPS sorry to insult dogs maybe a SLUG.

  5. Maxine sure is oppressed with her multimillion dollar home. Not to mention her shady dealings.

  6. It is perfectly clear that most democrats, have only 1 Thing in mind and that is to over throw the people of America and further instigate hate in the process of taking control of all government. That includes states. But now is the time to start charges against these people, Throw them out of their elected seats. Backed by big funding. This is the only way they can win. Reds states have them outnumbered 3 to 1. Push back hard on the coastal states. And any other blue states. If you held a national election today, Republicans would win on a landslide on morals only. Slandering and preaching hate against white people is racist.America has went out of its way to create equal morals, while democrats have continuously created divide. Time to stop these ignorant and never ending riots. If it means brute force. Or the end of American civilization is over.

  7. Sometimes the truth is difficult to hear Many will not be ale to swallow it. The truth that is.

    1. waters is a parasite she should be tarred and feathered and shipped to venezuela and sell her mansons and take her millions and her pension give the $$$$$$$$$ to our veterans she hates our country but yet the snake wont leave

  8. Kick her ugly ass out of the country. She took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

  9. What the hell is the point anyway? As each and every day unfolds we are told of the evils of being born white speaking English using math driving on bridges going to school working existing at all. That white people are racist whether they know it or not we white people are inherently evil and there’s no way a white person could possibly understand the plight of a black person. So if all these things are true, at least in the minds of those who constantly make these claims what exactly does the likes of Maxine Waters expect to happen? Would she, they, like for white people to just disappear? Since we are incapable of changing much less understanding why bother saying these things? Would a certain amount of money given to every person with a modicum of black DNA end the so called inherent racism? Would it stop the justification of black crime? Would it end all the programs intended to level the playing field? Would it end the conversation? Since the answer is without a doubt no what exactly would end racial hiring quotas lowered requirements for blacks entry into colleges so called hate crime laws? Again the answer is no, not one damned thing anyone could do would satisfy these divusionists. So again I say what is the point? Even if every single white American including those who’s family’s came to the US long after slavery was over, would acquiesce to the claims of racism and each and every one of us apologized absolutely nothing would change. See my point? This is an endless game of blame that has no particular outcome that benefits anyone except the muckraking politicians that garner and maintain wealth and power through divisive rhetoric. They care nothing for us or this country. They use people for profit while claiming to hold the moral high ground. They fund the release of criminals and incite people to violence. This is a dead end road that leads only to misery for those who carry the water for these despicable entitled pieces of garbage. The fact is black people don’t hold the sole rights to human suffering so get over yourselves and quit playing perennial victim because life could care less about your plight. We all have to fight to survive and fighting each other only makes it harder to succeed. In other words grow up

  10. This won’t go away until all conservative black voters stand up and speak their minds. The communist left thinks you can’t think for yourself. It’s past time you start going out in force to tell them you won’t have this. Then vote. Not only for president, but judges and mayor’s. Judges are a big deal. Too many crooked judges.

  11. I think Trump is the answer let’s see Lost to Hillary check Lost to Biden check Lost the senate check Lost the house check I think he is a great choice to run again what a fucking LOSER????

  12. Waters is full of scrap! You democrats started this race thing! Pelosi and Biden are the biggest racist people. The vote for the presidenting was to get the colored people on there side by offering a stimulus package and more money to there snap card and more stimulus! Making it look like Trump was racist and that they would not get help! Biden and Pelosi paid people to vote for him.They don’t care about the American people look at what they have done to America!

    1. She is not oppressed, she is living the life. I have never lived like her but I grew up with not much, never knew it, some kids at school made fun , just ignored them. We can’t all be the same, that’s life.

  13. Maxine Waters is a hard core Racist! The only time she is even close to thinking about whites is when elections are due! She has been on a spending spree for herself. She could care less about the people in her district. She has encouraged taxes on the people of California to the tune of 28%. Be smart, go to a red state and have real Representatives show you their worth.

  14. I’m an evil White guy because I was born this way, I’ve never owned a slave or treated any black person with disrespect! Don’t get me wrong, I can be a real asshole if need be, disrespect me and I can come unwound on your ass! Maxine is just an old hag politician that needs to be voted out! Bitch!

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